Tip how to play CO-OP

by Hitman

Thu Aug 29, 2024 5:00 pm
Site Admin
7 Posts
******* Co-Op game types ********

F1=ShowScores | Show Server info and map & mappers name


Space=button bextra3

this one is for reloading a few weapons in diffrent game type
even works in normal UT Game type

F2=ShowServerInfo | ActivateTranslator

Voice Box,Force Field,Energy Amplifier,Invisibility, Nali Fruit Seeds,SCUBA Gear,Jump Boots,Searchlight, Flashlight,Flare,
Universal Translator,
Finding a Universal Translator is essential to your mission. It will decode countless messages that give you clues about your surroundings or hints as to where to get some powerful stuff. It never runs out, and provides you with information throughout the game. Luckily, the game pretty much forces you to collect it. Note: there is a shortcut to using this as opposed to selecting it from the inventory and activating it. Press F2



Use the RightBracket & LeftBracket to scrol the Inventory get what you want to use hit enter to use it


coop is a team game.Share the health,ammo armor,belts,with players that have less than you.